August 14, 2020

Struggles of Online Classes

Heya! Guys.

I hope you all are doing well and these online classes are not getting on your nerves.
So far, I heard so many people ranting about online classes and their challenges.
But experiencing it is a whole different aura, I swear. Pursuing a course that is meant to be online is not as daunting as shifting the whole college semester online, it's horrible because it's possible to slip out on minor details. You probably won’t forget about the midterm exam or 10-page paper, but it’s easy to overlook small, routine assignments. To be honest, I get this very feeling every once in a while as an online student.
So, In order to overcome this feeling that might drag me down, I started a habit of making a proper to-do list and keep a regular check on it, in order to accomplish things wisely. Also, synchronising your time table with Google calendar is the best way to stay notified.

Now, moving to the crux of the matter that is "SELF- MOTIVATION". In an online environment, we are our own boss and we are given a lot of freedom. It can be both a blessing and a curse. We need to be self-motivated because we are not surrounded by our peers or instructors leaning over our shoulder holding us accountable, unlike real classroom. It's just the four walls of the room and chances of zoning out is maximum.
To avoid such possibilities start tracking your progress which is really necessary to enhance self-confidence. Also, stop pondering unnecessarily over something, not like your world will fall apart if something bounces over your head.
Well, well I'm no expert but a young student looking after the ways to overcome such difficulties to navigate through it.

I am not going to talk about technology here because it can fail since you can't rely on it blindly. As I am no Elon Musk, I don't have a solution for it.
If you have a good network, it's a win-win.

Welcome to the new normal.

August 11, 2020

Ain't No Damsel in Distress.

You must be thinking she is some female protagonist inspired crackhead going to give you philosophy on life. But I'm someone who believes in fairytales a lot. Unfortunately, the fiction has nothing to do with reality so you need to transform your Cinderella version into Elsa. Because no fairy godmother exists. Sad but true. So we don't need anyone to feel pity for us, look after us, right? We need to create our own happiness.

Waking up to the same thing every single day is quite horrible as we all are in house arrest and it is no step-mum or witch that has locked us this time but our own government! because it's best for us during this chaos. But it's tough too. So, instead of waiting for someone to call or text you to help you out in this lonely time just make way for yourself, because you are no damsel in distress, right?

By the way, a damsel in complete distress was a burden to her protector, so make sure not to be a burden, else you are smart enough.

No offence, I hope none would be taken, but why we want someone to look after us, to take care of our own damn happiness, to create vacancies for us, in short, babysitting us. Can't, we create our own opportunity, can't we stand for ourselves, create our own happiness. Is it that tough?

Just because I mentioned damsel doesn't mean it's just for young women out there, it's for everyone who is in distress at this time, be it any age or gender.

Be happy, stay safe
Love your life.
You are unique and

August 08, 2020

Pandemic Away from Normalcy.

This pandemic is no hurricane or wildfire, that it will be time and space confined. It's omnipresent. I don't know why this virus is so obstinate, it's already August. Why can't it leave us in peace? Is 2020 really a catastrophe? Because every other day we get to know something happened somewhere in the world, be it an explosion of Lebanon or gigantic fire of Ajman. Ain't this coronavirus enough?

No one knows that after this coronavirus if we will return to normalcy or will there be new normal. The least we can do is to wish for this pandemic to over soon.
I wonder how this tiny little virus has changed the entire world within no time. How we all are just caged because of this virus.
So somehow "silence is the part of our everyday life" and when this lockdown will end we will miss the extra silence we've had, says Paavo Virkkunen, chief executive of the Finnish tourist board.

The way we live and minding our own business with no other involvement will be missed. Because we "Humans" are very flexible creature and adapt easily according to our circumstances.
We adapted to hustle and bustle of our surroundings and the civilisation of our society as we are not living this life since the stone age.

 Of course, this sudden worldwide lockdown lefts us obnoxious and anxious and whatnot, but we somehow adapted to this "period of quietness".

And I think there will be an adverse reaction to the return of noise – not just greater annoyance, but less efficiency at work, in education, in our sleep, as well as more chronic effects.

I have no bad intentions I just want every one of us to be prepared because post-pandemic will not walk in the park. Once this pandemic will end and things will fall into place, that will be the time we will realise, were we really just" Pandemic Away from Normalcy"!

July 19, 2020

How to Stay Motivated.

What is Motivation?
"Motivation is an ongoing process" (Goudas, Biddle, & Fox, 2011).

"Motivation is defined as a cognitive process" (Osborn, Irwin, Skogsberg, &Feltz, 2012).

"Motivation is a desire for change" (Hong, Cheng, Hwang, Lee, & Chang, 2009).

"Motivation is a desire to do something" (Kim, & Lee, 2008).

"Motivation is an abstract concept" (Sass, 1989).

Here are quite a few definitions of motivation, by famous scholars. This word has different meanings depending upon your standpoint. As different human beings have a varied opinion and surrounding, so the ways for staying motivated could be different for everyone depending upon their circumstances.

Here are three ways that boost my motivation level, hopefully, they can help you as well.

1. Harness the Power of Optimism.

In order to be positive, you need to have a practical approach to life. And for that matter, you should learn to acknowledge negative, so that it will not hinder you in the long run. Optimism can be detrimental if you are in denial about your current reality, but this doesn't mean that you should stop looking after the bright side.
Instead of daydreaming about a lucrative job or fairytale relationship, start addressing your problems that are hindering your goals. Optimism with the combination of a realistic approach helps you navigate through life.
You can also make a gratitude journal for yourself and jot down the things you are grateful for, every morning. So that it will give you good vibes for the rest of the day.
Also, stop worrying about the things you can't take control of, as it will only make you anxious. Because as long as you are okay at this moment, you are sorted.
Try to Workout for at least 10 mins a day, as it helps to clear your mind and also improve your mental health. It improves your thinking, learning and judgement skills. Benefits of working out are endless.

2. Control Overthinking.

Thinking before making any decision is appreciable but continuously thinking about something in endless circles is exhausting.
While everyone thinks over a certain point of time, but "What if and should" dominates the thinking of chronic overthinkers which is mentally draining and can put your health and total well-being at risk.
Rather than getting lost in the thoughts of what you could have, would have and should have done differently, try to become self-aware and connect to your immediate world.
There is no point of building a castle of situations inside your head unless you work for it. And for that, you need to connect and observe things in your surrounding.
Be self-aware of your potential and accept your short-comings, which is very helpful for enhancing confidence level.
Be ambitious but never run after perfection.
Because the idea of being perfect all the time will somehow make you fall into the vicious cycle of overthinking.

3. Develop a healthy routine.

Developing a healthy routine during this tough time is quite challenging but there is way out of everything if you are determined enough.
Try to wake up early in the morning every single day. Waking up early refreshes your mind and gives you some time to spend on yourself before involving into the hustle and bustle of daily activities.
Make a proper to do list for things you want to accomplish everyday. So that it will keep you on track.
And most importantly try to avoid or minimise the intake of junk food and make your diet protein and fibre rich.
"Healthy mind lies in a healthy body."
I admit it though, it isn't always easy to create good habits, but at least u can give it a try.
Map out your activities for the day and break it into chunks in order to be efficient. Having a daily routine not only makes you more efficient, but it also eliminates your need to waste time deciding what to do next.

Always remember one thing that everything starts within your own mind. It is you who has to decide which road you should choose.

July 07, 2020

Find Order Amidst the Chaos

This sudden outbreak of a highly contagious virus has turned the entire system of our human race upside down. Pure reason toppled by sheer melodrama- our life in a nutshell during pandemic.


It was erratic and unexpected, yet the bitter truth is that even the super power nations have kneeled down in front of it because uncertainty is the new trend and 2020 is the best example. The unexpected changes brought by coronavirus outbreak affect people all across the globe and from all walks of life. It’s not about the disease but the consequences that lead to sadness, frustration, depression, economic upheaval and self-isolation. The list just goes on and on.
During this time of worldwide unrest, sky rocketing unemployment, it’s hard to not feel helpless, it’s hard to hold onto positivity. But there are always two sides of every coin. This might sound like nonsense; you must be thinking she’s some freaking optimism junkie. But this is not the case, there are certain activities that uplift your mood and motivate you. All you need to do is to introspect, to find yourself.
And this is the best time to invest in you. Rather than bingeing Netflix and scrolling through Instagram day and night, you can leverage this opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills.

Use this time to do things you have always wanted to try but have never had a minute to spare. This could be anything that make you happy, learning new language, trying new recipes, spending quality time with your loved ones, reading a book or journaling. It's okay to spend time on yourself. You needn’t be productive 24×7.Come on we’re all human. You need to learn to embrace yourself and your surroundings. Be grateful for every breath you take because, Hey! Someone out there is in a hospital struggling for it. This is tiniest yet most concrete example to make us realize countless of blessings bestowed upon us.


It’s okay to heal and take some time for yourself. Nature is also healing in a beautiful way. Somehow, this virus is teaching us to slow down, to free ourselves from this materialistic world for a while.

It is possible to tackle this grim scenario in a healthy way. We will get through this. It won’t be easy but this too shall pass.

Only If My Words Had Wings.

If my words had wings. It could have swayed from autumn to springs and could have carried my messages of the lonesome sights, to the clouds ...